Dr. Michael Hassman, Medical Director and Principal Investigator at Hassman Research Institute (HRI), always puts his patients first. With two locations— Berlin and Marlton, New Jersey—HRI offers a vast array of clinical research opportunities, which work toward advancements in medicines and therapeutic treatments. Yet, at a time when seniors, 55-and-over, are more concerned with their health than ever before, Hassman and his family know well the benefit of this age-group on their clinical research trials, and vice-versa.
“So many diseases effect young and old, as do our clinical trials,” states Hassman. “But, many seniors, currently, are interested in trials for problems such as Alzheimer’s Disease, memory loss, Parkinson’s Disease, as well as depression and anxiety. They would like to fight this.”
In Hassman’s estimation, people over 55 often have the time, wherewithal, availability, and are interested in doing these clinical trials.
“Many of our seniors wanted to take part in the COVID vaccine trials,” he says. “There are, even, many healthy trials where seniors are just interested in helping science. If they’re not helping themselves, they’re very content knowing that they might be helping someone else in the future. That’s one of the more altruistic benefits of engaging, and being a part of any clinical research trials.
“Plus, participants also get a stipend for their time, travel and activity in the trials, some of which people use for themselves, some of which they donate – people like knowing that they are helping something greater.”
Are seniors more concerned with health and staying healthy as they age?
“Yes,” says Hassman. “So many seniors are more involved in their health care and well-being than they have been in the past. Especially now, in the age of digital medicine and therapeutics, as well as in regard to getting their children involved in their care. Seniors are interested in medical reminder apps, having pill pharmacies giving them daily medications, pre-packaged. There is more vitamin usage, and overall, there is a willingness among seniors to ask more questions of their doctors, concerning their health, their cholesterol, their memory and staving off depression.”
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With that, Hassman believes that seniors are simply more engaged than ever before in their health and well-being, as are their children. This way, sons and daughters know that their parents and loved ones are safe, healthy and flourishing.
For additional information about Hassman Research Institute, visit hritrials.com
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