Masako is a female name in English, translated from Japanese and other languages.
The name is spelled in one word, 6 letters
Origin of the name:
Name Meaning:
Right child / Elegant child
History and interpretation of the name:
The name is formed by combining Japanese 雅 (masa) for “graceful”, “elegant” or 正 (masa) for “right” with Japanese 子 (ko) for “child”.
Famous people with the name Masako
One of the most famous women with this name is Masako Katsura, a Japanese billiard player. Katsura was 15 years old when she won the Japanese women’s championship, and her hand movements, unusual for a beginner, attracted the attention of the reigning Japanese champion Kinrei Matsuyama.
Star or planet:
Name number:
Most Masako women are introverts
Inherent qualities of the name:
Caring, authority, excessive irritability, brightness, great emotionality.